Aquila Corde Armoniche
Aquila 'HV' - Smooth beef gut strings with varnished surface, 120 cm / 180 cm5.29 CHF - 146.17 CHF
Close wound “F” strings - pure silver winding on beef gut cores31.77 CHF - 201.92 CHF
Aquila open wound “FD” strings (pure silver open wound on beef gut)22.00 CHF - 35.00 CHF
Close wound “FU” strings - pure silver winding on unsplit lamb gut cores31.77 CHF - 201.92 CHF
Vibrating string length: 32 cm
Our ready-made sets are composed of strings with a standard length of 60 cm and diameters suitable for required tension.
If you want to personally choose string of 120 cm or 180 cm length and specific diameters, you can add them to the cart from the product selection above.
The “tirata”
“Tirata” is a word used by the string makers of the great Italian tradition. It represents the correct length of string needed on each instrument, considering its full dimensions. We decided to reintroduce it in our vocabulary to specify the length of a single string, which will no longer be indicated in centimetres.
For example, a string that’s 120 cm long will correspond to 2 tirate on a violin, but only 1 tirata on a cello.
Why shall I choose a ready-made set instead of single strings?
We suggest to choose a set if you do not feel completely sure of the diameters, because you are beginning, or have little time. The gauges and the type of strings included in our sets meet the needs of most of our customers. This way you don’t have to expect for a bad surprise. A personalized setup of your instrument can start from here: by raising or lowering the whole setup by half a tone, you can easily know if your next setup, the definitive one, will need more or less tension or even remain unchanged as per our suggestion.
Why should I choose beef gut?
The use of beef gut as alternative to lamb gut dates back to the first half of the last century.
Beef gut allow a high level of standardization of produced strings that we only offer smooth and varnished.
This kind of material meets the needs of all who are looking mainly for reliability, certainty, great durabilty, limitate alteration due to climatic changes, and tuning resistance even in case of high atmospheric humidity. On the other hand, they are not suggested for those who aim mainly to the historicity and quality of sound.
Why should I choose unsplit lamb gut?
This type of material is suggested o those who wish to use strings that are strictly made according to the historical procedure and that give the maximum in terms of acoustic performance. Even if these strings are not varnished, we noticed that the use of whole gut, i.e. not cut into strips, still offer a discrete resistance to climatic changes.
Sets according to today’s gauges in beef gut
Vibrating string length: 32 cm
Suggested diameters are those used today.
For each specified string the central diameter is that of medium tension, which we suggest if you never used our strings. For a light tension choose the first suggested diameter, for superior tension choose the last one.
Possible Violin E-strings
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
62HV | 62HV – Varnished gut string | 0.62 mm | 120 cm |
64HV | 64HV – Varnished gut string | 0.64 mm | 120 cm |
66HV | 66HV – Varnished gut string | 0.66 mm | 120 cm |
Possible Violin A-strings
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
79HV | 85HV – Varnished gut string | 0.79 mm | 120 cm |
82HV | 79HV – Varnished gut string | 0.82 mm | 120 cm |
85HV | 82HV – Varnished gut string | 0.85 mm | 120 cm |
Possible Violin D-strings
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
104HV | 104HV – Varnished gut string | 1.04 mm | 120 cm |
108HV | 108HV – Varnished gut string | 1.08 mm | 120 cm |
112HV | 112HV – Varnished gut string | 1.12 mm | 120 cm |
Possible Violin G-strings
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
10F | 10F – G baroque violin string light tension silver close wound type „F“ standard | 1.55 mm equivalent gut | 55 cm |
11F | 11F – G baroque violin string medium tension silver close wound type „F“ standard | 1.60 mm equivalent gut | 55 cm |
12F | 12F – G baroque violin string heavy tension silver close wound type „F“ standard | 1.65 mm equivalent gut | 55 cm |
Sets according to today’s gauges in lamb gut
Vibrating string length: 32 cm
Suggested diameters are those used today.
For each specified string the central diameter is that of medium tension, which we suggest if you never used our strings. For a light tension choose the first suggested diameter, for superior tension choose the last one.
Possible Violin E-strings
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
64HU | 64HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.64 mm | 120 cm |
66HU | 66HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.66 mm | 120 cm |
68HU | 68HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.68 mm | 120 cm |
Possible Violin A-strings
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
82HU | 88HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.82 mm | 120 cm |
85HU | 82HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.85 mm | 120 cm |
88HU | 85HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.88 mm | 120 cm |
Possible Violin D-strings
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
108HU | 108HU – Unsplit gut string | 1.08 mm | 120 cm |
112HU | 112HU – Unsplit gut string | 1.12 mm | 120 cm |
116HU | 116HU – Unsplit gut string | 1.16 mm | 120 cm |
Possible Violin G-strings
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
10FU | 10FU – G baroque violin string light tension silver close wound type „FU“ standard | 1.55 mm equivalent gut | 55 cm |
11FU | 11FU – G baroque violin string medium tension silver close wound type „FU“ standard | 1.60 mm equivalent gut | 55 cm |
12FU | 12FU – G baroque violin string heavy tension silver close wound type „FU“ standard | 1.65 mm equivalent gut | 55 cm |
Baroque violin setup with equal feel tension profile
In this last decade, the so-called equal tension setting has grown very popular among many players of historical bowed instruments, with the belief that such setting is the exact scientific interpretation of what was being done in the past (and what has been found on some historical documents, especially regarding the Lute): strings must all have the same ‘tactile sensation/equal feel’ of tension.
Physics can prove mathematically that strings that show the same deviation gradient, when an identical weight is applied at the same distance from the bridge, will also have the same tension expressed in Kg (the same deviation gradient produce also an equal feel of tension under the fingers).
What has not been considered, though, is the fact that this mathematical relationship is true only when strings are already in their final state of traction, while it proves to be false if the theorical diameters are calculated using the same value of tension in the Mersenne-Tyler string formula, like most of the equal tension supporters do nowadays.
Violin setup with equal feel tension profile – light tension
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
62HU | 62HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.62 mm | 120 cm |
88HU | 88HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.88 mm | 120 cm |
120HU | 120HU – Unsplit gut string | 1.20 mm | 120 cm |
170V | 170V – Venice gut string | 1.70 mm | 120 cm |
Violin setup with equal feel tension profile – normal tension
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
64HU | 64HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.64 mm | 120 cm |
91HU | 91HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.91 mm | 120 cm |
124HU | 124HU – Unsplit gut string | 1.24 mm | 120 cm |
180V | 180V – Venice gut string | 1.80 mm | 120 cm |
Violin setup with equal feel tension profile – superior tension
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
66HU | 66HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.66 mm | 120 cm |
94HU | 94HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.94 mm | 120 cm |
128HU | 128HU – Unsplit gut string | 1.28 mm | 120 cm |
190V | 190V – Venice gut string | 1.90 mm | 120 cm |
Historical gauges requirements
It is not possible to use historical gauges (that are usually thicker) before checking and possibly modifying the angle of the strings on the bridge, that should be “widened” so that the pressure of the bridge on the soundboard is not excessive so to dampen the sound and make the bow attack too difficult (please contact your trusted luthier).
Moreover, according to historical documents (such as Galeazzi, 1792), we suggest that the strings are kept as low as possible on the fretboard, as long as they do not buzz.

Modern strings angle upon the bridge

Baroque strings angle upon the bridge
Baroque Violin historical set
Strings calculated according to pitch 415 Hz. Vibrating string length: 32 cm
The diameters suggested here were the norm for violin setup between the Mid-Eighteenth and the end of the Nineteenth century, as indicated by the rich documentation of that time. In particular, the gauges in normal tension are the same we measured in April 2004, which belonged to Nicolò Paganini. The gut strings suggested in these sets are made of unsplit lamb gut type HU which have a surface only partially smoothed to imitate the old hand smoothing system. Through this method the quantity of damaged surface fibre is considerably reduced compared to the rectified strings made according to today procedure. The advantages consist of greater stability at climatic changes, longer life of the string, better acoustic performance. The fourth string is made according to the directions reported by F. Galeazzi (Rome 1792) and Louis Spor (1832).
NOTE: These strings are NOT as ’set‘ available – please choose from single strings!
HINWEIS: Diese Saiten sind NICHT als ‚Set‘ verfügbar, bitte die Saiten einzeln auswählen!
Violin historical set light tension
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
66HU | 66HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.66 mm | 120 cm |
85HU | 85HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.85 mm | 120 cm |
112HU | 112HU – Unsplit gut string | 1.12 mm | 120 cm |
16FU | 16FU – G baroque violin string light tension silver close wound type „FU“ historical | 1.70 mm equivalent gut | 55 cm |
Violin historical set normal tension
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
70HU | 70HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.70 mm | 120 cm |
88HU | 88HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.88 mm | 120 cm |
116HU | 116HU – Unsplit gut string | 1.16 mm | 120 cm |
17FU | 17FU – G baroque violin string medium tension silver close wound type „FU“ historical | 1.75 mm equivalent gut | 55 cm |
Violin historical set superior tension
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length |
73HU | 73HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.73 mm | 120 cm |
91HU | 91HU – Unsplit gut string | 0.91 mm | 120 cm |
124HU | 124HU – Unsplit gut string | 1.24 mm | 120 cm |
18FU | 18FU – G baroque violin string heavy tension silver close wound type „FU“ historical | 1.80 mm equivalent gut | 55 cm |
FG synthetic strings set for Violin
Vibrating string length: 32 cm
The F-Red Series are the new synthetic strings for bowed instruments, developed by Aquila Corde Armoniche as a valid alternative to natural gut
Eco-sustainable, stable in intonation and durable, the new F-Red Seriesare our answer to the needs of all students and musicians who have to face conditions where the use of gut becomes too demanding, such as
- high temperature and humidity conditions, typical for example of some sub-tropical countries (e.g. South America and Africa);
- high cost for the replacement of gut strings that students have to face when approaching the study of ancient music instruments.
Notice: to avoid damages, do not cut the strings. In case you want to shorten them, first spread some quick glue around the point where you want to cut.
WARNING: Wound strings are made with round wire and not flat, as was done at the end of the nineteenth century
WARNING: The surface is not smooth, but slightly satin, due to a special covering. After about a week, the strings will spontaneously smooth out.
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length | Gut Equivalent |
01FG#1 | VIOLIN „E“ MEDIUM TENSION – SYNTHETIC | 0.67 mm | 1 tirata | 0.64 mm |
01FG#2 | VIOLIN „A“ MEDIUM TENSION – SYNTHETIC | 0.85 mm | 1 tirata | 0.82 mm |
01FG#3 | VIOLIN „D“ MEDIUM TENSION – SYNTHETIC | 1.16 mm | 1 tirata | 1.08 mm |
01FG#4 | VIOLIN „G“ MEDIUM TENSION – SYNTHETIC WOUND | 1 tirata | 1.55 mm |
SKU | Name | Gauge | Length | Gut Equivalent |
02FG#1 | VIOLIN „E“ SUPERIOR TENSION – SYNTHETIC | 0.70 mm | 1 tirata | 0.68 mm |
02FG#2 | VIOLIN „A“ SUPERIOR TENSION – SYNTHETIC | 0.91 mm | 1 tirata | 0.88 mm |
02FG#3 | VIOLIN „D“ SUPERIOR TENSION – SYNTHETIC | 1.19 mm | 1 tirata | 1.16 mm |
02FG#4 | VIOLIN „G“ SUPERIOR TENSION – SYNTHETIC WOUND | 1 tirata | 1.65 mm |
Corde Drago
Two sets for baroque violin are proposed here: one from the seventeenth century and one from the eighteenth century.The seventeenth century set includes:
- as Mi a Ritorte di Salle,
- as La a Cantino di Napoli,
- as a Re a Cordoncino di Roma
- as a Sol, a Cordone Cordedrago, that is, a naked gut string, given that the invention of Silver wounded strings dates back to as early as 1659, but it was widespread only in the late eighteenth century (Sol was still used in the first half of the century in bare gut).
In the eighteenth century set the first three strings are identical, but a Sol Silver Wound was planned.
Il set seicentesco prevede:
- come cantino una Ritorta di Salle,
- come La un Cantino di Napoli,
- come Re un Cordoncino di Roma
- come Sol un Cordone Cordedrago, ossia una corda in budello nudo, dato che l’invenzione delle corde filate in argento risale al più presto al 1659, ma ha avuto ampia diffusione solo nel ‚700 inoltrato (nella prima metà del secolo si usavano ancora Sol in budello nudo).
Il set settecentesco prevede:
- come cantino una Ritorta di Salle,
- come La un Cantino di Napoli,
- come Re un Cordoncino di Roma
- come Sol un Filato in argento.
By opting instead for a custom order you can select other types of strings for the first string, such as a Cantino di Napoli, certainly the best in terms of sonority, but which is recommended above all for recordings or personal study, because its resistance to breaking cannot be guaranteed 100%, especially in the case of a concert, being subjected to stress due to changing weather conditions ( for this reason it is always advisable to lower it by one tone when the instrument is not used); in the case of the Sol, with a seventeenth-century frame, one can also opt for a Cordone di Roma, a „philological“ string, because it reproduces the technique described in a coeval source (there remains a memory of the ancient use of a Cordone as Sol in the treatise of Francesco Galeazzi, Elementi teorico-pratici di musica, who calls with that name the silver wounded string in use at that time), or a Copper loaded string.
BestellNr.: | Schwach Ø | Mittel Ø | Stark Ø | ||
VL060 | e‘‘ | Darm | 0,56 mm | 0,58/0,60 mm | 0,65 mm |
VL075 | a‘ | Darm | 0,72 mm | 0,75 mm | 0,80 mm |
VL095 | d‘ | Darm | 1,00 mm | 1,05 mm | 1,10 mm |
VL140 | g | Darm | 1,35 mm | 1,40 mm | 1,45 mm |
VL090 | g | Darm/versilbert | 0,80 mm | 0,85 mm | 0,90 mm |
VL085 | g | Darm/Silber | 0,80 mm | 0,80 mm | 0,85 mm |
VL Satz VL060, VL075, VL095, VL090 | |||||
VLS Satz VL060, VL075, VL095, VL085 |
Die Durchmessertabelle beinhaltet Stärkenvorschläge (a‘ 415 Hz). Stärken außerhalb oben genannter Maße sind individuell nach Kundenwunsch möglich.
The diameter table includes gauge recommendations (a‘ 415 Hz). Gauges outside the above-mentioned measurements are available individually upon customer request.
Cuerdas de Tripas Frechina
Violon / Violin / Violine
1 / mi / e“
corde en boyau /single gut string
diameter Ø:
2 / la / a‘
corde en boyau / single gut string
diameter Ø:
3 / ré / d‘
corde en boyau / single gut string
diameter Ø:
4 / sol / g
corde en boyau / gut string
diameter Ø:
4 / sol / g
entorchado plata / silver wound
diameter equivalent Ø:
144 / 146 /148
Gamut Music, Inc.
Gutmann Music Strings
Gutmann Strings are made from the best Australian cattle gut.
The origin of the raw material is essential for the making of high quality musical gut-wire.
We found the Australian cow ideal as those cows life and diet creates the typical characteristics we need to produce a musical instrument string. This string needs to have a long life when the tension on the string is high and played by a bow or fingers, not always soft and gentle but with passion …
Bernd Kürschner OHG
Kürschner FDL Florentiner lackiert / high twist varnished - 70 cm10.99 CHF - 24.19 CHF
Kürschner FDL Florentiner lackiert / high twist varnished - 115 cm14.33 CHF - 36.62 CHF
Kürschner FDL Florentiner lackiert / high twist varnished - 180 cm26.40 CHF - 149.55 CHF
Wound strings for Violin and string sets / Umsponnene Saiten für Violin und Saiten-Sets
Tables of the String Sets / Tabellen zu den Saiten-Sets
All examples are based on standard pitch a‘ = 440 Hz.
For a‘ = 415 Hz please choose an increased article number. For example D 2070 instead of D 2068, VDD 0220 for VDD 0210.
Please note: The last three digits indicate the diameter or the equivalent diameter of the respective string. The first digit refers to the string length:
1 = 90 cm
2 = 120 cm
3 = 180 cm
Example: D 2054 = Typ ‚D‘ (oiled gut string), 120 cm length, Ø 0.54
All tensions with examples for stringing with plain gut, high twist gut, luxline, silver plated copper oder solid silver wounded gut strings.
Alle Beispiele basieren auf Kammerton a‘ = 440 Hz.
Für a‘ = 415 Hz wählen Sie bitte eine aufsteigende Artikelnummer. Zum Beispiel D 2070 statt D 2068, VDD 0220 statt VD 0210.
Bitte beachten: die letzten drei Ziffern geben den Durchmesser bzw. das Equivalent zum Durchmesser der jeweiligen Saite an.
Die erste Ziffer bezieht sich auf die Saitenlänge:
1 = 90 cm
2 = 120 cm
3 = 180 cm
Beispiel: D 2054 = Typ ‚D‘ (Darmsaite geölt), 120 cm lang, Ø 0.54
Alle Spannungen mit Besaitungsmöglichkeiten aus Darm, Florentiner, Luxline, versilbertem Kupfer oder mit Feinsilber umsponnenen Darmsaiten.
Spannung / tension | x-leicht / x-light | leicht | medium | stark / high | x-stark / x-high |
e“-1 | D 2052 | D 2054 | D 2056 | D 2058 | D 2060 |
a‘-2 | D 2066 | D 2068 | D2070 | D 2073 | D 2076 |
d‘-3 | FD 0094 | FD 0097 | FD 0100 | FD 0104 | FD 0108 |
g-4 | VDG 0136 | VDG 0140 | VDG 0145 | VDG 0150 | VDG 0155 |
Satz / set | 111000 | 111010 | 111020 | 111030 | 111040 |
Spannung / tension | x-leicht / x-light | leicht | medium | stark / high | x-stark / x-high |
e“-1 | D 2052 | D 2054 | D 2054 | D 2058 | D 2060 |
a‘-2 | D 2066 | D 2068 | D 2070 | D 2073 | D 2076 |
d‘-3 | LK 0094 | LK 0079 | LK 0100 | LK 0104 | LK 0108 |
g-4 | VDG 0140 | VDK 0140 | VDG 0145 | VDG 0150 | VDG 0155 |
Satz / set | 112000 | 112010 | 112020 | 112030 | 112040 |
Spannung / tension | x-leicht / x-light | leicht | medium | stark / high | x-stark / x-high |
e“-1 | D 2052 | D 2054 | D 2056 | D 2058 | D 2060 |
a‘-2 | D 2066 | D 2068 | D 2070 | D 2073 | D 2076 |
d‘-3 | LS 0094 | LS 0097 | LS 0100 | LS 0104 | LS 0108 |
g-4 | SDG 0136 | SDG 0140 | SDG 0145 | SDG 0150 | SDG 0155 |
Satz / set | 113000 | 113010 | 113020 | 113030 | 113040 |
Spannung / tension | x-leicht / x-light | leicht | medium | stark / high | x-stark / x-high |
e“-1 | D 2056 | D 2058 | D 2060 | ||
a‘-2 | FD 0070 | FD 0073 | FD0076 | ||
d‘-3 | LS 0100 | LS 0104 | LS 0108 | ||
g-4 | SDG 0145 | SDG 0150 | SDG 0155 | ||
Satz / set | 114020 | 114030 | 114040 |
Pyramid Saiten- u. Stimmpfeifenfabrik Junger GmbH
Thomastik Infeld
Thomastik Infeld - Set 'Dominant' Violin Strings / Saiten für Violine; 4/455.92 CHF - 61.34 CHF
Toro Strings
TORO 'Venice' Typ (Katline) Montone gut string (Ram / Schafbock), 120 cm13.15 CHF - 34.26 CHF
VIOLIN – Toro Strings Do you need some help? Use contact form… Hilfe benötigt? Kontaktformular nutzen…. | ||||
Tension (Diameter) – Length: 120 cm. 3rd and 4th wound length: 60 cm | ||||
Key | Type | Light | Medium | Heavy |
e“ | ram or ox gut | 54-56 | 58-60 | 62-64 |
a‘ | ram or ox gut | 72-74 | 76-79 | 82-85 |
a‘ | double twist VENICE type | 72-74 | 76-79 | 82-85 |
d‘ | ram or ox gut | 102-104 | 106-108 | 110-112 |
d‘ | double twist VENICE type | 102-104 | 106-108 | 110-112 |
d‘ | silver wound | light | medium | heavy |
g | silver wound | light | medium | heavy |