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Performing Baroque Music on the Classical Guitar
a practical handbook based on historical sources
As we go further into the 21st century, more and more players of modern instruments wish to perform baroque and galant music ion a manner reflecting stylistic understanding of the time in which the music was composed. …
The purpose of this handbook, therefore, is to present classical guitarists, in a concise manner, with the most important tools for achieving this goal.
Printed by Kindle Direct Publishing
ISBN 978-1516810246
Order number: HVE01
19.90 € / 19.90 CHF
Performing Baroque Music on the Lute & Theorbo
a practical handbook based on historical sources
Today more and more instrumentalists wish to perform 17th and 18th century music in an expressive manner reflecting stylistic practices of that era. The purpose of the present handbook is to help lute and theory players discover the most important tools for achieving this goal.
Printed by Kindle Direct Publishing
ISBN 978-1534672963
Order number: HVE02
19.90 € / 19.90 CHF