Gerald Stempfel: CD – Jacob van Eyck-Engels Lied

19.90 CHF

2 vorrätig (kann nachbestellt werden)

Artikelnummer: CD-16284 Kategorie: Schlagwörter: , Marke:


Gerald Stempfel, recorders: Music from the „Fluyten-Lusthof“ of Jacob van Eyck (1590 – 1657)

Engels Liedt is a spectacular, new and unconventional recording. It is a selection of solo recorder works from the „Fluyten Lust-hof“ by the blind flutist Jacob van Eyck (1590 – 1657).

The recorder player Gerald Stempfel lets the listener immerse deeply into the world of this Dutch genius, showing both the joyful, virtuoso as well as the dark, lonely side of this music.

This CD is a journey into the inner soul of both composer and musician and a piece of art reaching far beyond every Van Eyck – recording made so far.