Gamut – Copper Gimped Gut Diapason Strings / lange Bass-Saiten – 240 cm, varnished / lackiert
Copper Gimped Gut – Diapason Length 96″ (240cm), varnished
Diapason gut strings are extra-long (96″, 240cm) beef serosa strings made for special use on instruments like archultes, theorbos, lautenwercks, and harpsichords.
For diapason gut we usually select strings that have a high degree of twist because these strings are not intended to have a lot of tension put on them, as would be the case for treble gut.
The strings are a medium to high single-twist construction, and the gauges from .50mm to 1.00mm correspond to our treble gut strings except with a little more twist; the gauges from 1.00mm to 2.00mm correspond to our Lyon gut strings. The diapason gut is processed to be flexible and responsive.