Aquila NGH – Historical harp New Nylgut® string; 120 cm / 180 cm
length = 120 cm at ø up to 1.45
length = 180 cm at ø 1.50 and more
Our NGH strings are manufactured in New Nylgut®, a material which represents a good synthesis of the mechanical and acoustical properties of nylon and of PVF (carbon) strings. These strings are characterized by their gut colour, have the same density and acoustical qualities similar of natural gut (gauges to be used are the same of gut). New Nylgut® can be considered the first “synthetic” version of gut.
The main feature of the NGH strings is undoubtedly the impassable tuning stability to changes in humidity and temperature, considerably superior to gut and Nylon as well.
These strings are available in three colours: natural, red and black.